LEMO: A natural, respected name


When it was time to find a name for his company, Léon Mouttet stayed true to himself – simple and efficient. The first two letters of his first name and the first two letters of his surname make up: LEMO !

What if the brand was already taken? The Mouttet’s also considered “Le Molybdène” (starting with the same letters), the name of the metal used in their electric contacts. Luckily, LEMO was available. Much more energetic, easier to pronounce and to remember than “Le Molybdène”!

Léon Mouttet, a prolific technical designer, created the LEMO graphic icon himself. The capital “L”, dynamically leaning forward, with an arrow symbolising electricity. As a tribute to the founder, the icon has been kept unchanged until now. The logotype LEMO has gone through various changes.

The LEMO name has been used by others, for instance in Germany by a machine manufacturer created in 1949, a line of award-winning chairs or even by a contemporary singer. In the early days, only one minor “identity” incident was reported: LEMO received a pair of shoes for repair… The parcel was addressed to Lemo Schuhe, a shoemaker at the other end of Switzerland. Customers sometimes also make a confusion between LEMO and Lemco, an electric contact manufacturer located at 50km.

The growing fame and reputation of LEMO solutions triggered copies and counterfeits. The name mark has been patented since the late seventies, the graphic icon and logotype are also protected and the company’s legal service has been monitoring the market. The authenticity of products is also recognisable by the design: engraved name, red dot, the “chocolate” pattern (also patented) and, obviously, the perfect finish. Not only the name but, first and foremost, its users must be respected. 

Three CEO's, continued independence

Three generations of the same family have been at the helm of LEMO. This has been one of the keys to the Group’s continuous success.

Léon Mouttet, the brilliant inventor

Léon Mouttet, LEMO’s founder, was an engineering genius, an inventor with an inexhaus– tible treasure trove of ideas, as his colleagues used to say. Modest and generous, he knew how to share his ideas and give his instructions with a few pencil strokes. A creative mind, Léon Mouttet also managed to build his company upon strong foundations : he had the first factories built, launched the first subsidiaries, entered important markets (Germany, USA, Japan…). The founder stepped down from his CEO position in 1978, only two years before he passed away.

Marcello Pesci, the company builder

The successor appointed by Léon Mouttet was his son-in-law, Marcello Pesci. He was working as an engineer for the Italian television (RAI) when he met Josée Mouttet in Rome. Immersed in the world of connectors, this born entrepreneur created COELVER (coaxial and fibre optic miniaturised solutions), before taking over LEMO’s management. A devoted and well-organised leader, he transformed the family enterprise into a group active worldwide. He developed sales structures and production capacity, consolidated processes. An engineering mastermind, he also led R&D and initiated many new products. By the time he retired in 2000, worldwide staff had multiplied by four and the brand had become a leading reference in the most demanding sectors such as medical, aerospace, motorsport, and broadcast.

Alexandre Pesci, the visionary leader

Son and grandson of the first two LEMO directors, 33-year-old Alexandre Pesci became the third CEO of the Group. He was very well-prepared for the job : having obtained a master’s degree in commercial and industrial sciences from Geneva University (specialization in business management), he gained experience as the marketing director for LEMO HQ and LEMO USA. Alexandre Pesci followed in his father’s footsteps : he structured, further developed, and strengthened the Group’s footprint which underpinned its continued growth. As a visionary leader, he has oriented his enterprise towards new emerging markets and sectors (renewable energies, high precision medical robotics, autonomous vehicles, drones…). He has anchored the brand into high-end and harsh environments. He has also broadened the business scope to complete interconnection solutions, namely through the acquisition of US cable manufacturer NORTHWIRE.

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