LEMO Italia

LEMO news

Italian subsidiary of the LEMO Group, created in 1964 and based in Milan. We support you in the development of innovative and tailor-made interconnection solutions.

How can we help you?


Viale Lunigiana 25, 20125 Milano, ITALY


E-mail: sales.it@lemo.com +(39 02) 66 71 10 46 Online form Fax: +39 02 37908046
Local Key Services Available

Consultative Field-Based Sales Engineering:

Our Consultative Field-Based Sales Engineering service is designed to elevate your sales process to new heights by combining technical expertise with personalized support and guidance. Whether you are a tech-driven organization or a business seeking to integrate complex solutions, our team of skilled sales engineers is dedicated to driving success for your company.

Technical Expertise:

Our sales engineers possess a diverse skill set encompassing various technologies, systems, and industries that will help to drive our clients to the right solution.

On-site Assessments:

Our sales engineers conduct in-depth on-site assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' unique needs and challenges. This process allows us to tailor solutions that precisely align with their goals, addressing pain points and fostering trust.

Customized Solutions:

With a deep understanding of your needs and market dynamics, our sales engineers craft tailored solutions that perfectly fit your specific requirements. This level of personalization not only enhances customer satisfaction but also elevates your brand reputation.

Post-Sale Support:

Our service doesn't end with the sale; our sales engineers continue to provide post-sale support, ensuring smooth implementation and addressing any technical issues that may arise. 

Inventory Management:

At our warehouse, we take pride in providing an exclusive inventory management service, meticulously organizing, and preserving the used LEMO’s solutions for each of our esteemed clients. Our dedicated system ensures that LEMO products are carefully stored, labelled, and readily accessible whenever you need them.

Discover the innovative projects we support

Rocket team Politecnico di Milano

Rocket team Politecnico di Milano    
Learn more

unibo motorsport elettra