A mine of new ideas

Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas (USA), Mouser Electronics is a global leader in the distribution of semi-conductors and electronic
Headquartered in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas (USA), Mouser Electronics is a global leader in the distribution of semi-conductors and electronic components. Mouser’s success comes not only from its vast product selection and outstanding response rate, but also from its professional vision: to help design engineers innovate.
In the design phase, engineers often need small quantities of electronic components to build prototypes to test their product designs. Where can these specific components with short lead times and small quantities be found?
Mouser Electronics is the answer. Founded in 1964 in the USA, Mouser is today the favourite distributor for design engineers and buyers all over the world. With a presence in 20 countries, from Mexico to Singapore, from Germany to France, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Mouser Elec- tronics is anything but electronics’ supermar- ket. It’s rather a partner to innovation.
In order to reach this goal, Mouser Electronics proposes an immense line card with millions of references, all available on its website Mouser. com. There is a wide range of semi-conductors, connectors, passive filters and other electro- mechanical components. The distributor spe- cializes in carrying the most recent and tech- nologically advanced parts. In other words, exceptional resources for all those who would like to manufacture a product quickly and test it in real conditions.
This preferred choice is also a great advan- tage for suppliers such as LEMO, who can use this outstanding showcase for their products. Thanks to its global presence and extend- ed customer network, including some of the world’s largest companies, Mouser Electronics gives its suppliers the opportunity to reach in- dustrial leaders on markets where they are not yet present.
In addition to Mouser’s wealth of inventory, there is an extraordinary response time. In most cases, orders received by 8pm CST (US) can be shipped out the same day from Mouser’s state-of-the-art distribution centre, to arrive in Europe and Asia in just a few days, no matter how small the order may be. Specializing in serving engineers and buyers, Mouser Electron- ics does not require a minimum order and will even ship a single part if the project requires it.
Mouser’s greatest strength is also to anticipate its customers’ requests. The company is con- stantly seeking the latest components, always monitoring the most advanced technologies. It provides new product information, advice, descriptions to its customers and visits its key manufacturers on a regular basis to learn about the new product introductions. Its global pres- ence makes it possible to answer all requests in many languages across several continents.
As for the future, Mouser Electronics is planning for continued growth. Not only geographical, by expanding its offices and distribution centre, but also technological, by constantly meeting new requirements. In this age of miniaturi- sation, where new wearable devices, such as smart watches arrive on the market, there are countless innovation opportunities.